do i want to get up at 5 am just to buy some crud at walmart or mervyns the day after thanksgiving? hell no. but you know what i just love...going to movie theaters...really

what could be better than listening to inane commercials (thanks a lot to the idiot who decided previews weren't enough), and having some kid kick the chair throughout the film is just fabulous. i'm sure i don't know what is up with that shit. i swear people don't know how to act outside of whatever barn they musta been raised in. it's apalling.
almost as bad--the guy on the train going "meth? meth? meth?". i realize this things gresham bound but damn...give me a good ol' fashioned crack head any day.

the other thing that i just gotta disrespect on for a moment is smokers.
god i didn't realize some many people in this hippy ass town of portland liked to puff on the cancer sticks...don't know why people can't just smoke pot like everyone seems to do in canada. it's the oregon way after all...
and you know i couldn't care less about what people want to do with their money and time, except that i have some wicked asthma, so whatever these folks do affects me just as much as if they decided to stick the damn thing up in my face...which is about what ends up happening anyhow...
so i'll be trying to stand somewhere, and inevitably someone slides right on up next to me, and whips one of the damn stinking things out and lights it up. "umm, yo, the cancer section's right over THERE. yeah."
Or i'll be trying to walk down the street mindin' my own business and someone in front of me invariably will start smoking and let that nasty shit drift back my way.
all i'm trying to say is that it really sucks when you literally can't breathe and have nowhere to go to get away from the source of the problem, but i've taken to walking in the streets instead of the sidewalk because it seems to help.
So the other night, I was gonna go see the treelighting downtown. Sure it was cold, sure it was raining, and sure it was crowded, but you know why I had to give up and go back home? because i couldn't find a single place to stand without someone next to me decide to start smoking, driving me away every time. after moving 5 times i gave up, got on the train and went back home.
This shit just makes me so mad. Like I said, I don't care what people do, but when I gotta start planning my life around other people's addictions, then it just makes me want to do some good ol' fashioned retaliation.
Should I--
a: start carrying around a fire extinguisher and screaming "fire! fire!"?
b: eat more beans and let the gas take care of business?
c: carry around a backpack blower and start that shit up when someone lights up?
Honestly, i won't be doing any of these things...but it just means I don't get out much on account of wanting to breathe normally. Concerts are a drag, public events are unpleasant, and well there's a whole laundry list of places i can't frequent anymore. all for reasons that have nothing to do with my personal preferences (unless you count breathing as a personal preference...)
Now that we've gotten that out of the way...hopefully i can finish all my homework assignments, finally projects and keep sane when loads of rich white folks bring stuff in they want mailed out that needed to be there yesterday.