Thursday, March 29, 2007

bureaucratic blunders

i'll just state for the record that I don't deal well with bureaucracy...
Nothing in life frustrates me more than having to jump through hoops, stand in lines, and the like. But as we all know it's inevitable. But that don't mean I have to like it...
One thing that I have discovered about myself is that even as an adult I'm still the same bratty kid who can't STAND being told "No" unless the logical reason is close behind it.

I'm sure this has implications for why I end up making things harder than they are, and getting needlessly wound up about things, but being rebellious is a natural state of the curious, and I am nothing if not curious.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Going to the DMV towards the end of the month is JUST about as much fun as going to the Health Department on WIC shot day...or DHS anytime. Oy!

What a vast spectrum of humanity...but I must say that it's one of the few times in adult life when having your shit together feels real damn good.

Monday, March 19, 2007

ORS 803.540

AFFLICT (Etymology: Middle English, from Latin afflictus, past participle of affligere to cast down, from ad- + fligere to strike): is a general term and applies to the causing of pain or suffering or of acute annoyance, embarrassment, or distress.
the universe definitely hates (extreme dislike or antipathy) me...maybe i should take the hint and stay indoors until the Ides of March (The term has come to be used as a metaphor for impending doom) pass over.

bad times

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Studying for my finals.
Making more of the boxes disappear.
So much for the rain.
There was a huge protest downtown today.
I heard things got a bit crazy.
I decided to stay home and get things done here.
Thank God I get a break from things soon.
It's so hard to believe school starts in two weeks.
It's so hard to believe that my life is totally going to change.


Saturday, March 17, 2007

St. Patty's Day a low key adventure

we had a pretty mellow day around was a nice day, one of the first actual warm days we've had here. After planting peas, we rode down to the strip, went to the hardware store and had some beers.

Quote of the day: "This movie isn't silent, I hear it sucking!" -Simpsons

Friday, March 16, 2007


went to the wrong place, must've been the wrong time.
went to the right place, must've been the wrong time.
not a lot of biztech people around, but I hung out with some ra2 folks and didn't suck too badly for me.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

getting there

Things are progressively getting less boxy and a little more functional around here all the time, but I wouldn't go so far as to say we're out of the cardboard forest just yet...


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

settling in

still working on getting stuff under one roof and out of boxes and arranged, but it's coming together, slowly but surely.

i really like this house.


Monday, March 05, 2007


you know i haven't had any birthday cake yet, but it feels like i got a thousand presents because i've been opening boxes all day. some of this stuff has been in storage for years so it feels like it's completely new to me.

almost there

okay we are mostly moved into our new house. we still have lots of stuff in boxes and some stuff scattered around at the old place that needs to get dragged over here. i'll be busy extracting stuff from boxes and trying to gain some sense of order around here. naturally it'll be awhile before i really get around to dealing with the rest of my already busy life.


Sunday, March 04, 2007

ready set go

okay we're gonna start the big time moving today! hooo boy. did i mention i have some kind of food poisoning or stomach virus to go along with this? today is gonna be so not fun for us.
