Sunday, November 06, 2005

weather surprises

amazingly it was sunny almost all day today. quite the contrast from the past several weeks...
i spent most of the day out in the garden, sloshing around in my barn boots (the same boots i thought for sure i wouldn't need here in the city go figure) pulling up spent plants, rotating the tree lineup, and picking the last of the tomatillos, peppers and some basil that was hanging on. although i haven't observed it myself, the word is it has frosted at least once and may do so again at any time...
i brought the salvia apiana out of the rain...poor girls probably don't like to be as wet as they've been getting. and filled up the compost bins with the remains of vegetable corpses. and grimaced at the new superstructure going in next to the garden that will no doubt consume half of the growing space we have in the monstrosity of its shadow.
maybe i sound bitter but hey it's huge, and they woke me up on saturday morning with all their banging at a time well before 8am. it's rude and i don't mind admitting that i think they deserve retaliation for serenading the whole neighborhood with their racket.

other than getting muddy and slimy (things that are dead and wet have a way of being slimy too), i've spent most of the day reading a book about rural japan. i feel far better than i did yesterday but that's probably a given.

i got a rather surprising telephone call that may lead to another tutoring gig. it would be nice...i have far too much time on my hands, and would rather teach kids how to read than load packages at UPS, which is unfortunately looking like the more realistic of the two options.

my friend liz is in town, so i'm on my way to hang out with the philly kids. yay, i wish more people would come and visit me. life can be dull when there's no visitors, yo.


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