the assortment

life certainly hasn't gotten any easier in the past week, not that i can say that i expected it to. but it sure would be nice if it did.
i had an erenrich moment when i was filling out a stupid questionaire about theft on the job. i'm sure people steal stuff from work all the time but only the stupidest among them are likely to admit it on a questionaire, so why even ask. who will i whore myself out to for the holiday season? it remains to be seen. at any rate, there isn't much dignity in the process, people think they have a right to ask you just about anything in the name of hiring. a big fuck you corporate america. i'm tired of your crap.
i should know this, and maybe i have always known this, but i'll say it again and maybe this time take it to heart...i'm gonna have to start watching asian films by myself. there's no point in trying to do it any other way. all i get is complaints every time.
the moon is almost full and it's shining in my window. i had to pull the tomatoes off of their dead withered vines this afternoon...they're going downhill fast. guess tomatoes aren't a novemeber experience in this climate. i've been eating lots of fried green tomatoes to celebrate the bounty of 20 or so pounds sitting around the house in buckets. in spite of the weather, the squash vines are thrusting out new squash every day. i have no idea how on earth i will ever keep up with it. here it is, nearly halloween and i don't have a pumpkin yet. maybe this can be rectified this weekend.
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