resolution to the drama

well to make a long story short, everything ended up working out fine...brian called trimet and lo and behold, they had custody of my wallet. hell the $2 was still in there. i was not expecting much after having my wedding ring stolen on day two, but the city of portland is a kinder gentler place this time around.
just to keep things from being too happy and joyous i decided to heff it on over to pps, and submit to the whims of bureacracy. favorite flavor of suck--forms!
after holding out for nearly 3 decades, the man has my fingerprints. feeling somewhat feral and like a stray critter up in the land of florescent lights and the maze of hallways (whew dhs ain't got nothin' on this place) i had the vaguely odd feeling similar to when you go to the doctor and they want you to take off your clothes and prod you with something somewhere uncomfortable. the questionaire wanted to know about my non-existent personal history with sex offenses. after it was all over, oddly feeling like my soul had been sucked out of my body, i walked out of the building back into the one sunny day we've had in awhile and mulled it all over.
something about bureacracy brings out my more feral attributes. deprive me of natural light and freedom of movement, and i start slinking around and looking shifty like a raccoon that accidently found it's way in via the airducts. i don't belong inside big ugly oppressive institutions and my life history doesn't fit neatly on forms. maybe i'm more like smokey sleeping over in brian's chair than i suspect, and maybe that's why we drive each other crazy a lot of the time.
i'm glad to have my various pieces of personal identification back, since i seem to need them a lot these days. i was a bit worried someone would find more creative uses for these things than I have so far, but then again it may be to your detriment to impersonate someone like me anyhow.
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