Monday, September 26, 2005

the procrastinators

today was nuts. it seems like everyone in the whole school waited 'til today to come in and get their books, on this, the first day of class. "joy to you and me"
so from 8am-6pm i ran a register, checked ids, and scanned scanned scanned. the line wrapped like a snake around the back of the store, back around up to the steps and coiled around again. there was a sea of backpacks by the door. and many disgruntled people who waited for at least an hour in line. the alarm must've gone off a hundred times.
amazingly enough only one person got downright bitchy with me all day. people may have griped and moaned in line, but by the time they got up to me, they seemed to be over it. no one went postal. some people even had an intact sense of humor.

i'm glad that's over for the day. i'll be doing it all again tomorrow. wee.

a few things that definitely don't get the prc seal of approval:

1. commercials: okay so i tend to think commercials suck by default. that's a given.
but lately they've gotten even more offensive by taking songs that i like, taking them out of context and using them to purvey lame capitalist propositions.
case in point: this coors light commercial uses "love train" by the o'jays. no offense, but i don't think the point of "love train" is a bunch of whiteys getting their drink on at a football game.
the other day i heard a ramones song used for something equally questionable and lame.
i'd say i'm going to boycott these companies, but i kind of already am by default. i live in oregon ...i don't need to drink crappy beer, we have tons of fabulous microbrews everywhere, some of them are even organic. the closest to "big label" i get these days is the new belgium product line.

2. norton publishing: don't get me wrong, they put out some fine books, but the barcodes on 'em are worse than useless. after entering in the isbn number off of a particular culprit more than 50 times by my own reckoning in one shift, i just feel compelled to write norton a nasty letter (telling them if they can't figure out how to put a bar code on the back of an enormously popular textbook, i'm gonna be forced to hop a train to new york, walk into their office and set the building on fire).

well that's all i really feel strongly about today besides getting comfy on this couch. i need to save up my energy for the next onslaught of procrastinators tomorrow.


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