Wednesday, September 21, 2005

as good as there

went to the tutoring orientation and filled out mountains of paperwork. i guess i'm as good as hired, assuming i don't fail the background check...

now all i gotta do is go get fingerprinted...which i have mixed feelings about. in fact i had a perfectly good track record of avoiding the fingerprinting process in spite of the fact they did it in school every year. it hadn't caught up with me, but one of the "benefits" of being involved in public education is that you have to submit to the same level of scrutiny as people applying for security clearance. yum. part of me understands that my freewheeling way of life is over, but the other part wants to run screaming from that powers that be. fortunately i don't have to pay for the privelege of submitting my biodata to the state, i just have to show up and do it.


with that moral compromise out of the way, i simply need to figure out what my opening speech is going to be (welcome to amy's bootcamp of langage arts improvement) and figure out how to get surly highschool students to do things they don't naturally want to do. but if i know anything about me, i'm sure i can make it happen. i'm good at that...and if i could do it in whitehaven, i can do it in parkrose. word.


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