nerd core
i got into an argument with cody about who was nerdier. i won.
today was just as nuts as yesterday in terms of herds and the noise level, but i got through it without incident. someone brought some home peaches and i took a couple home to remind myself that i all but missed peach season this year.
after winding down, i walked across the broadway bridge watching the trains bolt out of the yard, listened to the canadian geese honking at me in the river, and walked through a bit of the pearl district (yuppies!) before my feet gave out and i had to accept a bus ride back home as the sun began to set.
everyone's in the living room watching some tv show about a woman becoming president...i'm not into tv, so i'm hiding out in my room, but i can overhear some of the dialogue.
sometimes i wonder if half of the dumb shit that's happened in the past 4 years would be with us if we had a woman for president. hell, laura bush (in spite of her recent insensitive comment directed at african americans from new orleans) would probably do a much better job of things than her least i'm reasonably sure she knows how to read, and usually doesn't say anything too retarded (recent incidents notwithstanding) one thing i personally think is beautifully ironic is that several "muslim" countries have had a few women president-equivalents i'm this point, i'd even vote for a republican if she were least she probably knows how to clean up after herself. (well maybe not --a bunch of rich white people is not exactly the party for me, but it's worth a thought about having someone with a couple of x chromosomes in charge of things for a nice change of pace. maybe instead of preemptive strikes, world disputes could be settled by telling the offending parties "if you don't have anything nice to say to each other, don't say anything at all". better than the usual rhetoric by miles.
but all this is purely within the realm of fantasy. i live in a country that is content to elect a bunch of rich whiny boys who don't even know how to make their own dinners, wouldn't know a sponge mop from a toilet brush, and probably don't have a clue what the difference is between permanent press and delicate. (to be fair, i know guys who do know all of these things, but alas none of them are in charge). my advice about leaders is simple, the prc says, don't trust anyone who doesn't know how to cook their own rice. werd!
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