life's little questions

Question 2: What 5 things make your life worth living? (from morgan)
Question 3: Why did they play the same song twice in a row on the radio today? you know, if I hear the same song twice that doesn't mean I'm gonna like it more.
Question 4: Does it make you feel good to be rude to someone who's job is to listen to you blame them for things beyond their control? As my daddy says, "If you ain't got nothin' nice to say to somebody, don't say nothin' at all."
Question 5: What's so "country" about a country song about being stuck in traffic on a freeway in LA? (I'm not too crazy about country music, but it's a captive audience situation and at least I can hear some southern accents once in awhile.)
Everyone's heading off for Thanksgiving now that it's only a couple of days away. It's pretty weird to not be doing the whole mad airport shuffle. I was just reading this article in the wall street journal about how airlines are gettin' so stingy with service in order to save money. Can't blame 'em I guess, but I'll just save my money and rock the greyhound if I want the no frill experience. But it really doesn't matter, I ain't goin' no where no how. Suitcases ain't gettin' packed 'round here. i'll be staying here an' makin' my own damn gravy. word.
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