CON(servative govern)MEN(t)

hee hee hee, i thought this was funny.
seriously though, those wonderful folks that brought us the (we might as well shoot)Patriot (missiles at ourselves because we) Act (like chumps) are at it again. if you find yourself with a little free time inbetween basting turkeys, you might want to swing on over to
<> and give them a piece of your mind,
especially if the FBI having access to your personal information just
for the hell of it gives you the willies.
About the only conservative ideas I want to see cozying next to my
government is folks getting serious about conserving: natural resources, the
environment, family farms, the value of education, jobs and
the military budget (just think how much money you could conserve
by not fighting stupid oil wars in countries that had nothing to
do with either osama bin laden OR september 11th). oh well, i can
keep on dreamin'.
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