Lost time
It's been quite an eternity since I've had time to write anything here. Free time is a rare commodity in these parts, it's quite a rare thing to have even an hour to myself.
The last few posts, it appears I was on a poetry kick--I didn't have much time to do any writing of my own with a 6-month old baby underfoot, I'm sure. That was about a year and a half ago, apparently. (These days I've been reading mostly non-fiction--and having the ability to read ANYTHING with two children in the mix is rather amazing in and of itself. Although books are out of the question, and magazines a bit of a stretch, blogs make for good interruptible reading material.) During the time that has passed, so much has changed. I have now lived in my new house for about a year and a half. My children have grown a great deal in this time, and so many things about them have changed. Sometimes I feel like a completely different person myself...
It is the end of January. If I were teaching right now, I would probably be gearing up for Black History Month by having my students read some of the bios over at the National Football Hall of Fame (there's some really good ones on there, no joke, and it's a fun way to incorporate Black History, and the Super Bowl).
As it is, I'm on sabbatical from teenagers, and immersed in such mundane realities as diapers (and no, I guess they aren't mutually exclusive...I have worked in Special Education long enough to know that. ;)
This is a season of life that is on the cusp of change...and I've had a lot on my plate. And will continue to do so for some time to come. That is the way of things.