Cedar is 17 months old today!
Cedar is 17 months old today! Almost to the year and a half mark.
He's turning into a little boy right before my eyes. Still got a tiny bit of baby fat left, but most of the baby-ness is gone now.
He's still an enthusiastic eater, when he's not teething horribly. He's been much more into feeding himself during the past couple of months. That didn't really take off until around March or so. He'll eat just about anything, and is really into vegetables at the moment.
He's still teething away. It's been non-stop for most of the past 6 months. I think he has nearly all of his teeth at this point, the last few are coming in now. Poor guy, he's a toothy kid, a regular shark, this one.
He figured out how to walk a few months ago, although he still prefers to crawl if he's in a hurry. He is enjoying turning around, and thinks that's a blast. Also, since he's more mobile, he likes to run away from you.
He's going through a phase where he likes to throw his toys, rather than play with them, per se, which I'm not that crazy about. He still likes to read a lot and will sit still for that. He's been into "specks" for a few months now, and still likes to show them to me. He also loves to play with water in the bathtub.
He takes these huge afternoon naps that last a couple of hours. That's handy.
He's still giggly, and laughs all the time. I just love his cute little laugh. He's still very social--too bad we don't see other people much.
He's still very easy to take places. He likes the stimulation of being out and about, although he's less enthused about being in the car than he used to be and gets antsy. He doesn't pass out like he used to.
He's really into the dog. They go for walks together all the time, and he spends a good bit of it watching her. In fact, his only word (besides "mama" and "dada" is "dog"). Still not much of a talker, he's more excited about making noise, but does babble quite a bit.
His eyes are mostly brown, but he's still got that grey ring around the outside, and that hasn't changed a whole lot. They're kind of a hazel grey/brown. They haven't changed in awhile.
Our current routine is that he squeals with excitement when he hears my keys in the lock, and I play with him after I get off work. If it's nice, we eat dinner, then go for a walk with the dog. If not, we just hang out in the living room and play until it's time for bath and bedtime. He goes to bed around 8pm, and that seems to work well.
Labels: baby