Gender issues
The ultrasound appointment is coming up in a few days, and to be honest, I've been on the fence on whether or not I want to find out my baby's gender. Some people I've known were very eager to find out their baby's gender, others were adamantly opposed and preferred to be surprised. Like most things in life, it's a personal preference, and for me, not one I feel very strongly about. My main concern is that "Sprout" is healthy and there aren't twins in there (yikes!).
Arguments against finding out:
I don't really have any strong feelings about which gender this child is, and I really couldn't care less if I have a boy or a girl. As far as I'm concerned, kids are kids are kids. They come with 2 arms and 2 legs and if you're lucky, no major birth defects or developmental problems. Honestly, I'd be fine either way.
For another thing, I don't plan to go buck-wild with pastel pinks and blues as a decorating scheme. I've always loathed pastels anyway, and I'm not interested in receiving buttloads of obnoxiously gender-specific clothing/toys/gear. Baby stuff is obnoxiously cutesy and highly gendered (good luck finding clothes for girls that aren't primarily pink or purple--gag!) I don't see it as my mission in life to perpetuate existing gender stereotypes, and I'm sure that society at large will be more than happy enough to make up for any lack of gender role conditioning that I fail to impart at home.
Also, I like surprises. I'm not the sort of person who needs a lot of certainty in my life, and wouldn't want to know my future if given the option. I can wait to open presents until the proper day/time. I don't like people to spoil the end of a movie I haven't seen or a book I haven't read. I enjoy finding things out on my own.
Arguments for:
We differ on whether we want to know the baby’s sex. I don't care much, if at all. Brian is wildly interested, but willing to live with my choice. I'm tempted to just let the ultrasound tech tell him, and not me, but knowing him, he'd let it slip. Or my midwife might accidentally let it slip during an appointment anyway. Since Brian is not so great at keeping secrets, then maybe not knowing is best for us both.
Labels: pregnancy
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