Thursday, July 16, 2009


I think pregnancy definitely tends to accentuate whatever physical and emotional tendencies you already have. I can't say as I've changed (besides the obvious physical changes), so much as become a more intense version of my usual piscean INTP self. For instance, I haven't had any weird mood swings or food cravings--just wanting more of the things I've already liked for years.

One thing I've noticed is that my already-existing introvert tendencies have gotten a lot stronger. For quite awhile now, I've been feeling pretty reclusive. Most days, I'm quite content to stay at home and generally be anti-social. As much as I have always generally enjoyed solitude, normally I'd be stir-crazy if I didn't go outside at least once a day. Since becoming pregnant, however, if I could get away with it, I probably wouldn't leave the house at all. It's not like I feel depressed (actually I feel more peaceful/content than I ever have in my life), just really introverted. I feel a lot crabbier than I used to, and I don't even want to talk to people most of the time (definitely don't want to talk on the phone which is a tough one because everyone I knew is on the other end of a long-distance phone call). I just really feel totally fine with being alone a lot more.



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