Wednesday, July 29, 2009

heat addled brains

So it's day 3 of the 100+ degree heat wave. Not a fun time for yours truly.

I was crazy enough to consent to going to a job interview for a position at Jefferson. It wasn't as early as I would have liked the sun was in full-effect and it was 90 degrees by 9 AM. I had the perfect beat-the-heat outfit, but ended up spilling something on it at the last minute and had to come up with something else. I wasn't as professionally dressed as I would normally like, so I felt a bit self-conscious to begin with. When I rolled into the office and saw people sitting around in suits, I felt like a bit of a chump. Then I felt a bit indignant. Who could possibly wear a suit in this weather? These people must have air conditioning at home. If I dressed like that in this weather, I'd pass out before I made it out of my front door. Besides I had enough experience with Jefferson to know there wasn't going to be speck of air-conditioning in that building, so why suffer for half an hour or more? Besides they've all seen me a thousand times in that building in my normal attire, so why worry about it? The trouble though, is I felt like the heat made me go a bit brain dead, and I felt like I was babbling a bit at times. I felt my brain go a bit fuzzy, as I sat there fanning myself, so I definitely was NOT on top of my game. Oh well. I already basically have a job for fall, but I definitely wouldn't turn down at chance to work at Jeff...I have a bit of a "thing" for Jefferson. I don't know what it is, but that school gets into your's hard to explain.

After that I went and hung out with Margo for awhile, since I was already basically there. Then I forced myself to go to New Seasons, but man it was hot, and the march across the parking lot was quite uncomfortable. I had visions of trudging through the desert as I picked my way to the front door. I definitely could not resist some gelato on such a brutal day. The drive home was painful, even with the AC on. There was just no escaping the wasn't taking no for an answer.

After climbing in my kiddie pool fully clothed, I spent most of the evening laying in bed reading with the fan blowing on me. There's not much you need or want to do when it's so hot out.



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