time flies
It seems like just yesterday that the plum tree was covered with snowy pink blossoms, I thought as I looked up in surprise at all the new lush leaves on the plum tree, hovering over the laundry line. The leaves of the raspberry I planted last summer are bulging and straining at the confines of the chicken wire cage I had to place around the clump (to keep the dog from turning the cane into a very expensive chew stick). The clumps of California poppies are growing before my eyes, and a few flowers have burst up here and there. When I look outside my window, only the "late bloomers" like the oaks are still devoid of leaves. The rest of the trees are covered with lush, shiny leaves that are just beginning to unfurl and fill out the tree canopy. All day long, the irritating sound of gas powered lawn tools can be heard, drowning out the shrieks of children and barking dogs. The elderberries in the front yard has started flowering, and is covered with frothy white flowers. The amelanchier is flowering, along with the last of the tulips. The flowers of the currant bushes are fading, and instead, the clusters are starting to fill with little green currants. I noticed that some of the calendula is coming back, and the wildflowers I planted have all come up. There's even signs that we'll have some hollyhocks this summer--I can see their okra-like leaves popping up on the edges of the beds. Bi-Mart is having its garden sale this weekend, so it seems like the season is well under way.
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