Thursday, June 14, 2007

the cursed month of june

it seems patently unfair, but i always get sick in never fails. the current malady is a norovirus, a delightful addition to my last week of school. as a result, i have a lot of quality time for reading Kabul by M.E. Hirsch, which I checked out of the library last week. this of course has me thinking about the afghans in my life, back in Memphis. i wonder how they are doing these days...all those kids i used to play soccer with at merriwether.

lately there's been so many changes lately i can hardly keep up with them all...i think taking a few days out of my normal routine will be good for me, ultimately, but the time passes slowly spent on the couch at home.

it's the last day of school in Portland and which feels pretty anti-climactic sitting here in front of the computer. i saw my group of tenth graders off yesterday while on a recovery mission, and realize now that it's very unlikely that i will see them again...but one never knows.


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