Tuesday, November 25, 2008

are you feelin' lucky?

I had pretty much decided that I was just gonna take the day off and stay home. I've been feeling a bit worn down lately, and thought maybe I should just take it easy and let things settle a bit, but lo and behold, there's a very familiar looking name on subfinder. Yes, it looks like I'm going to pick up this little half-day gig over in North Portland. Yeah, I can handle a half-day surely, even if it's a tough crowd. Besides, it'll give me just the excuse I need to go take care of some bizness.

So off I went. It's kinda nice knowing that no matter how crappy you're feeling, you only have to fake it for four hours. It's good to have these little practice runs. Some day I'm probably gonna get enough gumption to pick up the full-day model...but for now this is probably more my speed. On the plus side, I got to learn a new craft!

It was kind of a light day overall. The kids only had half a day of school and it was the day before thanksgiving break. That means not much is happening, and that's probably fine. I was in a minimalist mood anyhow. Some interesting stuff went down, but nothing TOO interesting.

After all that, I went over to another completely different universe and dropped off my sub application with another district. I really don't need more hours exactly, my main goal is just to have an excuse to see the inside of a couple of schools that I might want to work at in the future...We'll see if anything comes of that.


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