Friday, October 31, 2008

Media Survey

Here's an issue we've been talking about lately around here, so I thought it would be a good topic to write about today. The Media Survey questions come from Yes Magazine.

1. Do you feel satisfied by the information available to you? Do you turn to different sources than you once did?

Most of the time, I feel like I have the ability to find out about what I need to know about, but it takes some work. I usually have to use multiple sources of media to get quality information on issues that are important to me. The biggest change in the past decade (the years of Bush) has been what I use as a source of media. I no longer watch any televised news broadcasts (either local or national). Almost all of my news comes from print media sources or the internet these days.

2. Do you get your information from the same sources your neighbors, friends, or relatives do? Do you talk to people who get their information from very different sources? How does that affect their beliefs?

I think I am probably the only one I know who gets most of their information from somewhere other than television, and can tell that I have a profoundly different perspective on what's happening in the world. I tend to miss a lot of what's going on locally because I don't watch TV as a result.

3. Where do you get information about what is going on throughout the world, nation, and your community?

I usually use the internet or just listen to people talk to one another--that's surprisingly effective sometimes.


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