Thursday, November 06, 2008

rainy thursday blahs

It's November alright, and that means the rains are back. They mostly held off until mom left town, so it's alright I suppose. It's hard to get excited about walking the dog in this drizzle, so it hasn't been done in a few days and I feel bad about that. So far she's taking it well, but gets fired up at the slightest indication that something interesting might happen.

No luck getting a job for today. There was only one or two available and they went like hotcakes. I did manage to pick up one for Friday though, and that's always a good thing.

Spent most of the day reading about autism on Neurodiversity (something I tend to get inspired to do after spending some quality time around kids with ASDs because they're so interesting), working on more teaching materials, and perusing the offerings of Flashcard Exchange. Oh, and laundry. You could say it's been a real quiet day around here. Probably a good antidote to 3 days spent with adolescents, as much as I tend to enjoy that...

The last month was very busy for me, although mostly in a good way. I did enjoy seeing my mom for awhile. And I feel like I've accomplished a few things professionally as well (I got my ORELA test results back, and I only missed one question!). Now we'll see how this month goes...


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