The Fashion Survey
The Fashion Survey
About how much money do you spend on clothes a year?
Not much, that's for sure!
Do you like shopping for new clothes?
No! I probably would if I were 5'5" and wore a size 8, however I have a hard time finding things that will fit my tall skinny self, so it's usually an exercise in frustration. And I can never quite find what I'm looking for either-clothes are generally reflect tastes that are worlds apart from my own. As a female who isn't "girly", I struggle mightily with this, and often resort to looking in the men's ware section.
Do you often buy new clothes?
No, I generally only buy clothes when I absolutely need to.
Do you prefer to go shopping or just browse? Why?
I don't mind browsing online, but if I'm going to go to the trouble to go somewhere, I'm there to do some buying (or so I hope).
Do you think men should be allowed to wear skirts?
Sure, if they want to. If you're called to, go for it. It doesn't affect my life any.
What piece of clothing do you spend your money on the most? Why?
Usually heavy duty coats or job-related apparel that can't be found second hand.
Do you read fashion magazines?
No. The racist/sexist/stereotypical advertising is offensive to me, and the perfume inserts bother me, so I don't touch them, much less read them.
Do you sometimes wear a hat?
I tend to wear straw hats in the summer a lot. I wear a headscarf year-round.
Do you think it is important to wear fashionable clothes?
Nope, I couldn't care less. I make an effort to dress professionally at work, but I don't go any further with it than that.
Do you wear jewelry?
Not very often. I did much more in the past, but a lot of it was stolen and now it's not so practical.
Do you wear the same color clothes now that you wore ten years ago?
Almost the same size-I've gone up 1 size.
Do you think people feel different when they wear different clothes?
Sure. I know I do. I feel very differently when I'm wearing my teacher clothes than I do when I'm wearing coveralls and boots.
Have you ever made your own clothes?
Sporadically. I don't have time to now, but it's fun when you can. I like the idea of wearing something that's uniquely my own.
What are some of the strangest fashions you have seen?
To me, almost all "fashion" is strange and impractical.
What colors do you think look good on you?
I prefer dark colors and earth tones, I kinda go with a seasonal rotation so wear brighter things in the warmer months. Since we're in January it's strictly blue, gray and black.
What did you wear yesterday?
A t-shirt, jeans, flannel shirt...the usual winter uniform.
What do you think of body piercing?
It's not for me, but other people are welcome to go there with my blessing.
What do you think of people who dye their hair green?
They keep life from being dull.
What do you think of women who wear high heel shoes?
It looks uncomfortable to me, but some people seem to like it. As a tall person, I don't need to, so I don't.
Do you think high heel shoes are bad for a person's health?
Probably, but I'm not going to tell someone they can't ruin their feet if that's the way they want to go.
What fashions that you see today do you think will be out of fashion within two years?
Probably most of them, since clothing designers need to justify their existence.
What kind of clothes are in fashion now?
I'm not sure since I don't pay much attention, but the kids seem to wear a lot of skater type clothes, and things like Hollister shirts, etc. I'm kinda glad the stripper/playboy thing is dying down, as I'm seeing a lot less of it on the bus, I thought that was kinda gross, personally.
What kind of clothes do you usually wear?
Jeans and t-shirts normally. I wear suits to work.
What's the most expensive piece of clothing you have ever bought?
I have a salwar kameez that I wear to formal events that was $75.
What's your favorite color for shoes?
Black, because it goes with everything and doesn't look dirty.
When was the last time you got dressed up?
I dress real formally at school so as not to be mistaken for a student since I look almost 10 years younger than I am. Other than work settings and the occasional party, I rarely dress up unless I'm in just the right mood. I prefer the low-key mode.
Where are some good stores to buy clothes in this area?
You're definitely asking the wrong person. I rarely buy stuff retail.
Where do you usually buy clothes?
I tend to either get stuff for free (or nearly free), or buy almost everything at the Goodwill on 86th!
Would you like to be a fashion model?
No, it's been suggested many times in the past, but I think the whole thing is too degrading and invasive to seriously consider it. I don't need the money that badly.
Questions on Styles, Clothing and Fashion-based Stereotypes
What would you think of a women who cut off all her hair and went around bald as a fashion statement?
I'd say that's her choice. Some people actually look good that way.
What do you think of a man who is bald for fashion's sake?
Same as above.
What do you think of women who wear short mini-skirts?
For me personally, that's too much information.
Do you think that the clothes we wear reflect what is inside us ?
Somewhat, but it really depends on the context...after all, you can wear clothes like costumes, create personas, etc.
What do you think of people who always and only wear black?
I think that's fine. Better black than pink!
What do you think of people with tattoos?
It's not for me, but go for it if you want to.
What would you think of a high school student who always wore very conservative clothes?
I think it would be very unusual, since most kids strive very hard to fit in with their peers. I only know a few kids who do.
What type of clothing do you wear when you are angry and you want to express yourself?
My black shirt with the skull on it comes out on Mondays...
What colors do you choose to wear when you are happy?
I don't usually express my moods through color.
Would you dress the same as you do in your country if you went overseas?
Probably not, climates tend to vary.
Do you dress the same when you are depressed as you do when you are very happy?
Not much difference here.
In what ways does your Grandmother dress differently then you?
She wears colors I would never wear! (like pink)
When you get old do you think you will dress like your grandmother or grandfather?
Probably not, but I'm sure I'll be just as unfashionable!
Would you ever wear dreadlocks?
My hair would just loooove to revert to its natural state of dreads...I fight like hell to keep it looking respectable enough to work in a school setting.
What do you think of the people who wear them?
I think they are lucky to be in a situation where they can!
Have you ever worn your hair braided in small braids.
Yeah, sometimes. I like the low maintenance aspect of it-you can ignore them for a couple of weeks.
Would you ever wear contacts to change your eye color?
No, contacts irritate my eyes too much.
What is the difference in the people who choose to wear contacts and the people who choose to were glasses?
I think people who wear contacts are people whose eyes will tolerate them, and people who wear glasses are probably in my boat, or squeamish. Can't blame them. Contacts are so much cheaper than glasses.
What do you think about women who don't wear earrings?
Umm, I don't really care.
What do you think about men who wear earrings?
Again, I don't really care.
Is it possible for women to wear too much make-up?
Sure, I think most women do. Of course, I'm biased in that I think it's basically unnecessary and a complete waste of money. I should also admit at this point, I'm allergic to most make-up so it kinda makes the issue a moot point for me.
When is a person wearing to much make-up?
Whenever you are seeing make-up and not the person underneath.
What do you think of men who wear make-up?
I think it's a bit mysterious (since I think make-up is a chemical nightmare), but it doesn't bother me. If you are biologically male and trying to portray yourself as female, obviously this will be a necessity.
Is it possible to be beautiful without wearing any make-up, earrings or other accessories?
If it weren't I wouldn't have to beat them off with a stick, now would I?
Do fashionable clothes really change the way a person looks?
To some extent, yes.
What do you think of men who where tights?
I lump this in with women who wear revealing clothes--too much information.
What do you think about secondhand clothes?
I think I'd be lost without them!
When and where did you buy an article of clothing you're wearing right now? Why did you choose it?
The pair of pants I'm wearing right now came into my life when I was walking around the neighborhood and saw someone's move-out pile out by the curb. I looked down and saw this fine looking pair of jeans, picked it up, checked it for holes/tears/stains, marveled that they were in great shape and my size, and promptly took them home to wash and wear. I have no idea why the person moving out got rid of them, but it's mine now and that's all that matters.
What would you think if the mother of the groom wore black at a wedding?
Depends on how traditional the wedding was.
What would you think if a bride wore red?
Considering that millions of people do in Asian countries, I wouldn't be alarmed in the least.
Should a bride's dress be long or do you think it could be the length of a regular skirt?
Depends on the season/temperature.
What items of clothing do you consider provocative?
Anytime I'm seeing something I shouldn't be. I really don't want to know THAT MUCH about complete strangers and their anatomy.
What do you think of men wearing high heels?
I think my first reaction would be amazement that they were successful in finding something in their size (since I barely can), and secondly I'd be impressed by their ability to walk skillfully (as I can't). Beyond that, it would be of little interest.
Why is it acceptable for women to wear men's clothing, but not for men to dress in women's clothing?
Because we live in a weird inconsistent world.
Is there a stigma attached to people who buy no-name (no brand) clothing?
Beyond the teenage years, probably not so much. Obviously not enough to prevent people like me from doing it.
Are some people more fashion conscious than others?
Sure. Often age has something to do with it. And generally people who have lots of time on their hands and money to burn tend to care more about the frivolities of life than those who don't. Also people who have more materialistic concerns tend to be more fashion conscious than those who don't.
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