Wednesday, October 03, 2007

5th Annual TIRRC Convention

Shameless plug alert:
I don't normally post ads on my blog but I went to this conference the first year (in 2003), it was amazing, and I figured more people should know about it.

If you are an immigrant or refugee living in Tennessee (or nearby state), (or a friend/ally living in Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, Northern Alabama, Northern Georgia, or Arkansas, and work as a community organizer, educator, or in any organization that works with immigrants and refugees), this conference is for you.

5th Annual Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Convention and Cultural Celebration
Saturday, November 3, 2007

This Year the TIRRC Convention is Going to be Better than Ever! Join us for skill-building trainings that will cover communications and media, organizing, and other useful tools. Help determine the most important issues and campaigns of your community for the upcoming year. Get to know your colleagues in the immigrant, refugee, and ally community. Have a great time! Registration Details will be coming soon! Meanwhile, call 615.833.0384 with any questions.



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