Wednesday, September 26, 2007

ashita 明日"Jump in the Fire"

After plunking down about a hundred bucks (actually it had to be closer to $150, but i'm not trying to do the math), i've got a million new required textbooks and a new 9:00-6:30 wednesday routine. Naturally, once i got at PSU, the weather got real fucking nice. WHICH I REALLY DON'T APPRECIATE...

The one thing i did today that I'm proud of is I got my lesson plan for tomorrow pretty much done, and even have a PLAN B on back in case they don't go for plan A. There's some real rough edges in the room so we'll see if A: I can finish my lesson plan, and B: the "fun" cooperative learning activity sinks or swims. Tomorrow's my first day of student teaching where i get to do some up in front of the class teaching beyond the 1-on-1 stuff I've been doing...and yes I'm a bit nervous as of 8:30 the night before, but not as bad as I thought I'd be. We'll see how I feel about it tomorrow when it's real.

You'd think I would have no reason to be nervous--after all I taught a class for 4 years, but it was MY class, and i wasn't 15 year olds (my youngest student was 20). I have to do real classroom management now...which given the mix, oughta be "interesting".

If I'm still standing at the end of the day, and can run a flag up the pole, I'll celebrate then. For now, I'll hope for the best.



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