ain't doin' a damn thang
today just one of them days...don't feel like doin' nothin' and it feels good.
just layin' up on the couch wrapped up in a blanket watching the winds blow outside.
got most of my seeds squared away last night and will be in good shape next year come plantin' time. In the way of vegetables I have a bunch of chard, collards, kale, green beans, pole beans, tomatoes, a few pumpkins, leeks, and corn. the corn did suprisingly well as mentioned other times and i'm looking forward to planting more next year.
herbs: most of ours are perennials, the only annuals i grew this year were cilantro. i have some lavender seeds and some salvia seeds also.
flowers were something i put more effort into obtaining and growing this year. since I didn't have that many comin' into the year aside from some sunflowers, calendula i yanked from albina and some cosmo seed i had saved last year, I made more of a point of walking around the neighborhood and obtaining samples of my neighbor's offerings so I'd have even more next year. So now I've got some minature poppies, different colors of calendula, shasta daisies, echinacea (2 colors), nigella, linaria, lavatera, zinnias, cosmos, and some seed off of the marigolds that were growing by PCC. having all those pollinators hanging around the yard from the cosmos seemed to help the production rate of a lot of the vegetables. And I like to think planting sunflowers entices the birds to hang around and eat our bugs.
yep, it's a nice quiet sunday. just in time for the start of a new grading period, and who knows what all kinda projects, and the start of the madness of christmas shipping season. yep, time to roll over and take a nap.
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