Wednesday, July 12, 2006

a day of action

it sounds like a mobilization of some sort but it wasn't the best or most fortuitous start to a day. after pouring water over my tea i looked outside to discover that the street was wet. rarity of rarities, it was not only cloudy outside but raining. raining in july is almost as singular as the temperature which had to be low 60's. decidedly bizarre in my range of experience which is much more accustomed to something in the 90's.

i wore a jacket.

who knew i would end up getting so much packed into one day? driving was unfortunately on the menu. i hate the 26 with a passion, and for a good reason. almost every time i drive on that road, there's a near death experience coming my way. this time it was on the way home when a car stopped dead in front of me on a wet road while i was going downhill. guess what? my brakes DO work. fabulous.
things got a little strange out at 185th. maybe we didn't have the same things in mind, or maybe it's a language barrier or crossed wires or trading places with some other piece of fate. either way i don't think anything's bound to lead much of anywhere. i settled for picking up my check before limping back home.

no need to get off the train of action. it was barely 11 am. i managed to wrestle a transcript out of pcc and took it over just in time to catch charlie before he waltzed out the door towards breakland. i need to figure out how to work some guanxi magic becuase there's one individual i need in my corner if i'm going to square off against the forces of bureaucratic inertia. but the piece of paper moved towards the manila file that has been eagerly awaiting it's arrival. on the ride home i got to reflect on how no matter how bad you got it in this world, someone has always got it worse. that's comforting. i'll keep that in mind when financial aid is howling with laughter at my feeble attempts at continuing education in a world where things just cost too damn much to think about. sigh.

sarah and i went out to sauvie island for some blueberry-vs-raspberry action. everyone's a winner when you are standing out in the midddle of the field grasping at blueberries and raspberries. and the rains didn't come, though the sky looked rather threatening growing cloudier and cloudier. the foreboading weather make the fields as empty as a keg in a fraternity house on sunday morning.

raspberry season is almost at an end...they're starting to look a bit worn out after producing for over a month and a half. the cherries of course are long gone. sauvie island is loaded with cherry trees and my life goal is to be out there on a bike in june with a huge bucket that i will fill with cherries and eat them until i can't stand them anymore. I spent the rest of the afternoon making strawberry and rhubarb wine, processing berries and just relaxing.


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