Tuesday, June 27, 2006

nihongo wa jozuu desu にほんごはじょうずうです

a fair number of japanese people come into work from time to time. i love having an excuse to use my rusting language skills even only if for navigating the customs forms. today i had someone come in from okinawa. we actually got to talk about non-customs form related topics which was nice. i sure miss it.

after work, i walked around all over the neighborhood. it was warm but not as unbearably hot as the previous 4 days, so i enjoyed being out. i went and picked amelanchier berries around the corner until my hands were good and stained.

i tried infusing some linden blossoms, rose petals and lavendar, and some blueberries. we'll see how that goes.

then i came home and rigged up sarah's birthday surprise: a two-layer chocolate torte with raspberry sauce, strawberries, and rose petals for garnish. it was very pretty and quite tasty too. then we sat around and watched bee season. someone should have warned me it was a movie about "people with issues" as opposed to a movie about a spelling bee champ. lots of issues. and some kaballah thrown in just because they felt the need to complicate matters even further. compared to these folks, my life is totally drama free.


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