Friday, June 23, 2006

16 tons

they threatened to come back and they did. 16 tons and what do you get, the songs asks. In my case it was over a dozen 80lb boxes. The really impressive part is that the guy who brought them in and lifted them up onto the scale was old enough to be my grandfather. That dude was hardcore.

i had the best busride home ever. no they weren't giving away free beer but the driver was really courteous and announced all the stops and wished everyone a nice weekend when they got off. amazing. he was like the poster boy for the public transportation experience.

today the weather was perfect. completely perfect. i found an amelanchier growing around the corner from new seasons and gorged myself on the fruit, explaining it's charms to passerbys. there was a show at red and black but it didn't quite turn out as advertized. we sat outside and conversed over the the best ipa ever until we eventually had to go home and get ready for another charming workday.


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