Wednesday, May 24, 2006

not all bad...

"So what positive thing happened in your session today?", Nicole says as we walk back into B27. "Apparently a lot of you had a bad day." In my experience, I wouldn't say that it was a bad was just kind of a weird day.

M----- lost his book.

D---- in spite of trying REALLY HARD didn't really manage to get on my nerves (last time I saw this kid, I had to say "Quit messin' around with them video games about a hundred times". I'll be happy if two things that I said were retained for later. Especially the part where I said you can't escape math, and believe me child, I've been trying. I HATE math. But it is always with you.

I saw H---- and D------- foolin' around in the hall and didn't think H----- would grace us with her presence, but later on she shuffled in with some Spanish homework--and did work for about half of the time she was there. Considering who we're talking about that's a major achievement.

K------ announced she had failed all her classes, and it was pointless for her to be there. I redirected this negative start to the session to getting her to work on planning a service project. I think she did a good job considering that there isn't any real benefit to working on it in terms of salvaging her grades. We went and found a suitable subject and planned out the materials and resources needed. Now all they've got to do is get approval.

So it wasn't a total loss, at least not on my end. We ended by getting really into a game of family feud that L----- downloaded once homework lost it's charm. What can I say, it was semi-academic (in the way that trivial pursuit is). And sometimes I'm just happy enough to see these guys engaged in something that's not myspace....

on a completely different note, we've decided bistro is french for "really expensive".


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