attempted yogurt
tried making yogurt for the first time. i figure as much as i'm eating at the moment (a little preventative paranoia regarding the antibiotics), i should start saving some money and try making it from scratch...
so there's a gajillion recipes on the internet. They all basically say the same thing: acquire milk. Heat it but don't let it boil. Cool it to 115. add culture. Stir. incubate. So I did all that. The next morning I opened my thermos and had runny slightly yogurt-flavored milk. drat.
I let it hang out in the fridge all day while I was gone to work and it got a little thicker. It smells decidedly yogurty, and it tastes like yogurt, only it's in beverage format. I suppose I could strain the whey out but nahhh, I kinda dig it. I can drink it in a tea cup! so now i see why they add all those thickeners...
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