tuesday's ballot
Here's my top ballot picks for tuesday:
1. I sure am glad primary season is OVER! I'm so tired of corny political ads with dogs and babies and "my friend" and all that shit. Whatever...people pay damn near anything to hear someone talk about themselves on the radio. And no I'm NOT registered to vote. wasn't my choice, I tried to be...and got rejected! but you know it's just as well...ain't lived here long enough to know anyone outside my own neighborhood anyway, and it's not like any of these folks gonna be runnin' thangs.
2. Tomatoes are amazingly fragile little seedlings...it's a miracle they survive long enough to produce anything.
3. I sure am gonna miss workin' at the high school. Teens are crazy but I love 'em anyway. They're just the way they are...and it's not like the grown folks do that much better of a job anyhow, to be goin' round judging them.
4. it sounded like everyone had given up on declerye and were going to shut it down but now it sounds like they're gonna try to keep it going. good! (just make sure y'all get real selective about who you let live there, no more slackers and freeloaders) i know it's hard to make it work, but the really amazing thing about decleyre is that we OWN the house...we ain't rentin' it from no slum lord and can do whatever we want. unlike my stupid lease that says no composting, no this, no that. not that i pay it a bit of mind... we got a huge huge garden, how they gonna keep me from composting? i'd like to know? so y'all got a beautiful thing, please don't give up on it. we'd love to have a commune out here but there's no way on earth you could buy a house...and communes and renting don't go together very well.
5. india chaat house is the best!
6. going for 2 weeks without any caffeine is getting surreal, but i'm managing just fine.
7. hawthorne trees smell downright erotic if you think about it. now i understand the association with the month of may...
8. i'll be darn happy when my nose quits running.
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