Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday morning came and went

The trip was fun, but pretty hard on me, so I spent as much of Sunday as possible taking naps. I slept about half of the return trip home in the car, and a few more hours when we got back, plus went to bed an hour and a half early, but that in no way prepared me for the ritual of call-outs. Instead, I turned off my phone and resigned myself to missing the most lucrative day of the week for substitute teaching--Monday morning.

It may be a blessing in disguise. The sun's out, and there's lots of things I need to do around the house anyway. There's a mountain of camping supplies that need to go back in the basement, a veritable Mt. Hood of laundry that needs to be done, the two blueberry plants that didn't make it through the winter need replacing, I need to get a couple more raspberries planted, and I still need to figure out where the rhubarb is gonna go.

My dog sure seems tired. She's been a big mope-sickle ever since we picked her up from boarding. I wonder if she was stressed out by us being gone (fear of abandonment), or was just overstimulated by being around strange dogs for a couple of days. Hard to say with this one. Given her prior history, it could go either way.


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