Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Crystal Springs

Today was a great day to take off work and just enjoy the fine weather. I had to stay home anyway because my windshield was being replaced, but I had the whole morning to myself, so I decided it was high time for a trip over to Crystal Springs. For one, I don't think I've been there since last October, and two--the azaleas and rhododendrons are starting to bloom.

It was grand central station over there--the place was packed with kids and senior citizens, but I still was able to enjoy the general ambiance of the place in spite of the human density. There were two types of ducks I've never seen over there before (I usually go in the summer, and I guess they migrate somewhere else at that time of year). I also saw lots of other wildlife in spite of all the kids running around. There's lots of stuff blooming right now, but my allergies weren't too bad, so I had a nice time just strolling around over there. I wish I had thought to bring my camera, though...

Starting tomorrow, the weather's supposed to go back to normal (cool and rainy), so I'm glad I was actually able to enjoy it.


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