Bamboo Floors
The reality of installing my own floors is about as fun as it sounds on paper, but I'm doing it anyway because it's a great way to save some money.
One thing that sucks is some idiot painted over all the hardwood floors (underneath the carpet) with some awful lead paint.
I've also decided that the person who installed the carpeting must have been over-caffeinated or was listening to techno music because I swear to god there's spots where there's 3 staples per square inch! Excessive, indeed!
So far the hardest part was pulling out all those little staples. Tedious!
Ripping up the carpet, of course, was easy.
Installing the flooring isn't too bad. It's click-and-lock so it's pretty easy. No nailing, no glueing.
The part that sucks is having to saw every other piece due to the weirdness of our room dimensions. Good thing we bought that miter saw--we're getting a lot of use out of it.
The other major piece of suck-age is living in a house that's being remodeled and having to move stuff around from room-to-room.
We finished our bedroom (yay!) and will be tackling the rest during spring break.
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