Happy Spring! 春 が きた
Well it’s official…spring is here. 春 が きた
School is over 学校 が 終りAnd it’s time for planting.
Today, at least it feels like spring だから 今日 は 春 らしい に なって
and the weather is nice. 天気 が いい です よ...
And so it goes...for one day at least, the winter 冬 has lost it's grip on the landscape and the usual rain assortment has abated. I felt positively strange not lugging the behemoth umbrella to work. I hear back in Indiana though, it's snowing 雪が降た, which I suppose is to be expected. As for me though, all I want out of life is to plant my peas 豌豆. The sprouts are coming along nicely and I've got a tray of spinach ほうれん草, peas 豌豆, and lettuce レタス that will be ready to go in the ground pretty soon. Just hope they don't get utterly decimated by slugs 蛞蝓, like last year. uggh...蛞蝓 が きらい よ. So yeah, happy spring. Hope you had a good one, whether snowy or otherwise.
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