Saturday, February 11, 2006


we got motivated to take advantage of the nice weather and make the trek over to sakeone, the purveyors of much of the sake that is widely available in the the US (the folks that brought us the ubiquitous blue bottles). turns out that they are just up the road a bit from portland in forest grove. (the nice thing about being in oregon is that a whole lot of really useful things are right here, hidden all over the state)

since nobody wanted to play designated driver on this outing, we took the bus. believe it or not you can do that. and we totally pulled it off, but you have to do some walking...but it's not more than 10 blocks from the bus stop to the brewery. to go from our neck of the woods to way out west took quite a long while so we brought a book to kill the time. even so it's a pretty ride once you get past hillsboro and it reminds me a great deal of my old commute from medford to ashland riding the bus through the countryside. at the end of the run we even found a collective mysterious!

we should have gotten an earlier start because we missed the tour (alas!) but we did make it there in time to do the sake tasting. chocolate and sake went together better than i ever would have imagined. we got to try some things they don't carry in the store on a reliable basis, some new releases, and glory hallelujah they sell unpasturized sake! woo hoo! (that my friends is some nice stuff indeed)

afterwards we ambled up the road in the setting sun feeling like a million dollars and hit the chinese restaurant on the corner, and headed back to the city on the next bus.


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