rant # 339 GM Foods

The ruling would send an unmistakable message to other countries who are considering regulating biotech crops...(Don't bother resisting)
Lost in the debate over legality, protocols and procedures is the bigger picture. They're kinda missing the point...Not everyone WANTS genetically modified foods. The real question, who in their right mind really wants this shit? (well other than the companies who stand to profit from their patents)?
Since when is having standards such a bad thing?
Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you should...and I'm glad that at least someone out there isn't pandering to the interests of Monsanto...but the end result is that a secret committee of faceless bureaucrats gets to tell the world what to eat because a bunch of whiny US biotech firms don't get the point that some of us are suspicious of their so called good intentions.
Maybe they might take note of the fact that more than half of European consumers think GM food is dangerous, hence the bans. Naturally this whole incident comes off as another "The U.S. effort to force GM foods upon unwilling consumers" (Jim Murray). Who's next? Probably Africa. Maybe you remember vaguely that even countries with famine were turning down food aid of GM grain products. "We do not want GM (genetically modified) foods" and our hope is that all of us can continue to produce non-GM foods," Zambian Agriculture Minister Mundia Sikatana.
Unfortunately I can't stop Monsanto and other unsavory folks from fucking around with nature and dabbling in the dark arts. Latest thing I heard about was trees...Genetically modified trees? As if regular trees weren't good enough...Unfortunately they just don't seem to have anything better to do. Wonder if people would buy GM foods if they were clearly labelled? Not me, at any rate. You'd think if nothing else, Christians would be very offended by people playing god with this stuff but I have yet to hear this issue given the same kind of exposure as stem cell research. I won't hold my breath either.
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