State of the Union

State of the
“No matter how cynical anyone may be about the government…” Kinda sad they have to start off on that note, don’t you think? Does anyone still remember what it was like to not be cynical about the government?
"A security nightmare" (ha! I wish to god that someone would do something--anything--to interrupt this tragic farce and expose the sham for what it is...!)
"Bush's approval ratings according to an abc poll are at 42% which is the worst since Nixon during Watergate." Ah but they had the balls to impeach people back then. Now we're so much more complacent. Nobody has the nerve to do anything nowadays.
"Do you think he’s going to make any concessions to the Democrats?"
Hell no. He's from TEXAS...he doesn't need to make concessions to anybody. You know what they say, "Don't Mess with Texas".
"...Not exactly a uniting president..."
Well no shit bobby. If we got any further apart we could have a nice civil war.
"...How much applause are we gonna see?"
Too much in my opinion...far too much.
Cindy Sheehan was allegedly in the front row (and tried to smuggle in a banner) so she got kicked out by security. I would love to have seen HER reactions to his extensive exposition on the war...alas we are deprived of the pleasure. I'm sure whatever I thought about it pales in comparison.
"Democrats and Republicans united"?
Ha! Hard to imagine it. Or wait, maybe not…the more I think about it, the Democrats (with a few notable exceptions) have been acting like a bunch of hopeless sellouts since approving the Patriot Act and the Iraq War. Pansies.
Since when is speaking up against sheer stupidity is partisan rancor?
This is an election year. Pay attention kids.
Talks about Coretta Scott King in his opening remarks.
Instead of hearing y'all talk about the heroes of the civil rights era, what I'd like to see is a little more emphasis on some actual civil rights. I'm sure between the illegal wire tapping, secret prisons, and whatnot, plenty of civil rights are being violated on account of Mr. Bush.
I think we should have a moment of National Mourning for all the people who have died in this silly war.
Free trade, isolationism and protectionism
The only way to protect our people…we will continue to lead.
Seek the end of tyranny long term goal
Invokes sept 11
So we will act boldly in freedoms cause
Hopeless dream
Claims that half of the world is a democracy
Radical islam! Ideology of terror
Bin laden
Heartless system of totalitarian control
They’re in
We can’t retreat within our borders
There is no peace in retreat. There is no honor in retreat.
We’re doing such selfless lovely things in
I am confident in our plan for victory
We are winning
The road to victory is the road that will take our troops home
Talking about reducing troop levels
We will continue to seek your good advice…but we don’t want to hear anything we don’t want to hear.
Support our troops!
Hamas must disarm!
Iranian nuclear power
We respect your right to choose you own future…but we want you to change
Offensive…isolationism…our friends…show compassion…hiv…corruption…terrorism…human trafficking…drug trade
Compassion of
Terrorism here at home
The cia deserves our thanks
Reauthorize the patriot act (republicans stand)
Wiretaps…I went there. Terrorist surveillance program. We want to know who you are talking to.
The only alternative to American leadership is a most dangerous world
Freedom is on the march
A long war (generation)
Our economy could not survive without them
Tax cuts make them permanent
A massive tax increase looms large in the imagination of republicans
We’re going to cut 140 social service programs that aren’t national priorities
I want the line item veto
Entitlement programs…social security (tax increases and deficits)
"Congress did not act on my proposal for social security"
This was the funniest part of the whole state of the union address, the whole democrat corner stands up and clapped and cheered. that was the funniest thing ever...I laughed so hard. this totally beats a banner drop any day of the week.
So after thinking that maybe this was the year that Immigration was going to be serious topic of discussion, now we're back to the same tired ineffective ideas we have been kicking around for years. None of which have worked before, and none of which take any notice of reality.
"Secure borders...Border protection and enforcement"
(Yep, let's just build us here one a them uh great walls of China, that there works real good). Sheesh.
"Rational humane guest worker program"
and rejects amnesty"
"Affordable healthcare"
For those who can afford it. The rest of us can do without.
"Wider use of electronic records"
After a lot of high profile incidents of misuse and disclosure of electronic records last year, you might want to re-think that idea.
Trying to blame desire for tort reform on ob gyn access
Energy…zero emission coal plants. Nuclear energy
Doesn’t mention anything new
This was a cutting edge stuff 15 years ago…
"We can move beyond our dependence on oil by 2025"
yeah, when it's all gone anyway, it'll be real easy to quit cold turkey.
"We need to have more science and math"
Sure we do. We also need more math and science teachers. Oh, darn, but then you have to PAY them...and who wants to do that? Maybe the kids will just learn math and science through osmosis...just like George did! When in doubt, increase the ammount of testing.
...would be one that cares enough about it's children to make education a priority. And fund it too.
"Welfare caseloads have dropped"
Yeah, when you kick people off welfare, caseloads DO tend to go down. It's as amazing as rain in Seattle! As much as I'd like to think it's because everyone went off and got decent jobs with enough money left over to buy food AND pay for daycare, somehow I have my doubts.
Fewer abortions
"A revolution of conscience"
I'm surprised nobody's having a revolution of conscience about what happened after Katrina.
"a life of personal responsibility"
So kicking people off of welfare and abstinence promotion are what you have to offer?
"We have two wonderful new members Alito and Roberts"
Oh yeah, they're REAL wonderful. Helloooo dark ages. I shudder to think about this for too long. On that note, I should take a minute to send a personal message to some senators (y'all know who you are), "Fuck you!" What were you thinking for nominating these guys? Reminds me of a letter i got from Bill Frist one time telling me essentially that his policy is to confirm whatever person bush decides to nominate. Well do you think that'll hold if they decide they need a trained monkey? What was hilarious is they basically told Sandra Day O'Connor, "Bye bye Sandra…go away now. We won’t miss you".
i can't help but wonder how much of this is going to end up in the pockets of carpet baggers who will come in and buy up the treme or the 9th ward, and build satellite hotels for the french quarter.
i was kinda hoping there'd be some kind of apology for the way fema handled the aftermath of katrina but he sure as hell didn't go THERE.
"job skills for the poor"
...yo, how about just some jobs if that's not asking the obvious...maybe that's the real problem.
"education for every child"
and a chicken in every pot! no seriously, i think they mighta been thinking a prison for every child.
ideological conflict
science and commerce
we must decide will we finish the war in
we will lead freedoms advance
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