i love math

hmm...it sure has been awhile since i've seen polynomial equations. (for those of you who've been out of school for even longer than me, and need a refresher, it's all the horrid algebra that you haven't seen in forever).
but that was the first thing that awaited me on the computerized testing screen. that was a GRE caliber math question, yo.
granted i was the only person above 21 in the room anyhow. a couple of really annoying boys rolled in right after me. guess i'll be seeing more of them when i start teaching, eh? well i've already got a nice range of "teacher-like" comments to use at times like these.
so it stayed pretty much in the vein of me banging my head on the desk, trying to remember long lost math secrets from last decade. and probably not remembering them.
the reading section of course went a bit better.
with that little formality out of the way, i was able to squeeze past the registration blocks. now i've got enough credits to petition the gods of financial aid to help me pay for a better future.
ah if only my experiences at PSU went this well. god bless community colleges and their relative lack of BS.
i finally got a state ID today. i'm a real person after all. what a line at the dmv though...
went to the SE People's Food Co-op for the first time. it sure was cute. reminds me of the one in memphis, or rather it's a bit like square foods but yet not. they had lucious looking produce. looks like at least some of the building was a cob structure. wonder if i could get a job there.
summer is really a glorious time. i just love that i can spend it sitting out on the porch listening to Najma and typing away on my laptop while watching the constant flow of bikes go down the street. life is really good.
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