for the love of bureaucracy

okay so let's just say today was one of those days that was so frustrating, that i wish i was 5 so i could howl like a baby and totally get away with it.
alas i'm a bit older than 5.
so, i still can't get a state id.
and i still can't get a driver's license.
and it's still LOT'S of FUN trying to call the DMV in indiana.
and i can't get any financial counselling unless i register for classes, but i can't register until i know if i can afford to go.
the fun never ends.
it's kinda like i don't exist at the moment.
i realize that things will get better and i can dig myself out of this hole that i'm in. but right now i just someone to hold my hand and tell me what to do next. is that so bad?
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