rant #744

seriously...i hate it.
nothing's grosser than coffee with a nice plasticky-petro flavor...but my least favorite part is that i can't help thinking about how it's going to be around FOREVER.
one thing i just love and adore about ashland is that we have a styrofoam ban. no nasty styrofoam containers anywhere to be found around here. I remember back in 1990 McDonald's finally quit using styrofoam..."probably a result of the McToxics Campaign, coordinated by the Citizen's Clearinghouse for Hazardous Waste (CCHW). This effort included a boycott as well as a campaign to get consumers to send their styrofoam trash from McDonald's back to the company". 15 years later, and i'm thinking, a whole lotta good that did, because as far as I can tell EVERYBODY ELSE IS USING STYROFOAM. yep. you can't hardly go to a restaurant without being handed some nasty styrofoam container. the other day i had some icecream and they were handing out the styrofoam bowls LEFT AND RIGHT. ewww. i'm so paying extra for that waffle cone.
maybe it's just me here...(and it probably IS just me), but if i see another freaking styrofoam container i'm gonna get downright cranky. yeah, i know they're cheap and that's why everyone uses them. (kinda like prison labor, migrant workers, and child laborers) but yeah, you tell that to your grandkids "oh yeah we don't give a shit about you, so we all did the styrofoam thing so we could save a couple of bucks on packaging at the restaurant supply." gee thanks. i'm thinking most places could afford to suck it up and pay the extra 8 cents for something a little more biodegradable.
so i'm thinking from now on, i'm going to save up all the retarded styrofoam containers i receive (whether i want them or not), and return to sender with a nice note attached. "gee thanks, i'm so glad you thought i needed a disposal problem. funny thing, the recycling center won't take these, and well they don't compost so well in my compost pile. here you can have them back. have a great day."
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