hwy 238 revisited

went out to williams today for probably the last time in a long while, at least that's how it feels...it's a place i like to go, but i have to have a good reason to justify the trek out there. it's usually worth it though.
went over to sherri's farm. been wanting to for awhile but it's not like we have the same days off during normal times.
what a fun place: she's got all kinds of chickens running around, a crazy rooster that won't quit crowing (he just figured out how and i'm guessing he's pretty excited about it) and a couple of horses and some darn cute dogs n' cats. so i got to pet the horses, and play with the dogs, get licked by a crazy cat, and well sherri's fun to hang out with anyhow...
but lordy was it hot! i'm guessing it was over a hundred, because when i got back to ashland it was 105 or 106. wow, my car sure wasn't liking it and neither was i (no ac). it was a nostalgic drive back home though. i began my time out here driving that road, and ended it on a similar note. i'll miss the applegate valley...
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