Sunday, July 03, 2005

the aftermath of the wedding

whew i'm glad all the wedding chaos is out of the way. ;) with the pressure off, it was nice to just visit with everybody, hang out with the kids, and shoot the breeze. even for such a casual wedding, i managed to get more stressed out that had ever seemed possible. i'd hate to imagine what people go through when they have to endure those "fancy weddings".
unfortunately the memphis kids were all gone, but i got to hang out with liz, cristin and jano and mike and eva for a bit, play with my nephew and talk to everybody. it was a lot hotter than the day before, so i think we got lucky.
went to play frisbee golf with the guys, and rick hit me in the back of the head with the disk but i survived and we played about half the course before it started getting dark. i think frisbee golf is pretty cool...way more environmentally friendly than regular golf, and being in the shady woods is a nice bonus.
went on a late night walk with cristin and jano that was quite like old times. ostensibly we were on a search for armadillos but i think we've long since scared them away from the cabin area with all the chaos going on around there.


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