bro's in the hospital. it's pretty serious bidness.
those poor kids have enough troubles as it is, too.
i'm pretty disappointed that he won't be coming to my wedding, i'll admit it. but even more so, i worry about his wife and baby (which is a whole tragic tale unto itself). those guys have been through a lot.
i'm pretty freaked out by the whole episode, and can only hope that he'll be okay, and that things won't get any worse than they already are.
life's a funny thing. one minute things are just fine. the next they turn into a big pile of shit.
so yeah, no baby brother at my wedding. i'm pretty depressed, but as long as he's okay, i'll have to live with it.
seems like most people don't get along with their sibs but i'm an exception. always got along decently with my brother, and have really missed hanging out with him. but for a long time he was overseas, and then i moved to the opposite side of the country. i was really hoping that at least i could see him once this year.
someone i work with said they'd pray for him at church. i thought that was amazingly sweet. that's all you can really do at times like these, anyhow.
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