1 week and counting

marriage is a funny thing for me. getting married is not something i really ever planned on doing in my life ever. i always admired my parents and their relationship with each other. but everyone i knew had been through a divorce. and my policy on this whole topic is, if i'm doing it at all, that's it. ain't gonna be doing it six times. i'm old fashioned.
didn't think it was very likely that anyone would want to marry anyone as crazy as me, anyhow. i'm just not like other people...
so here i am waking up every morning with someone who actually understands me and i feel pretty good about doing it for a long time to come. so i got roped in, caught, so to speak. and i'm pretty alright with that.
so in a week, i'll be joining the legions of married folk. but you know that a scruffy freebox hustlas probably got a few tricks up ma sleeves, y'all.
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