good bye ol' lonely mountains

bye bye orygun! tomorrow morning i'm making tracks to memphis...leaving the beautiful land of mountains and trees behind, and trading them for the hot mysterious delta.
it's a whole different world where I'm going. I'll have to confront the rigors of the climate (it's not humid at all here, even if it can get hot and as tough as i used to be...i'll admit i've turned into a sissy out here), and well, forgetting about the weather, it's just a whole different night and day.
in a way i'm looking forward to it, though...i miss a lot of funny little things that are unique to memphis and for a week at least i can get my fill of them...along with ravenous mosquitoes and blazing hot days. A quick check of the weather reveals that the temps are in the Mid 90's, there's an ozone alert for the whole week (happy happy lungs), and due to the heat, there could be thunderstorms popping up just about any ol' time. (hopefully not on saturday morning when I'm trying to get married).
somehow i need to fit all this crap into just a couple of bags. (such as the stuff I've been saving up for liz, my wedding dress, flowers (both fake and real), and a bunch of flower seed packs, to name a few things) and somehow i have to remember EVERYTHING and get it all done today. and keep my sanity to boot. it's a tall order.
wish i was rollin' in on a train, but it's a bit far for that. i've got air travel time to look forward to. joy. but this song has been on my mind a lot lately. "the rock island line it's a mighty good road, and the rock island line, it's the road to ride...if you want to ride, you gotta ride it like ya find it, buy your ticket at the station on the rock island line." One thing about the delta is that life really is really about the same in some ways as it was in the days of alan lomax's field recordings...for better or worse. So I'll be back haunting my old haunts very soon. Kind of a funny feeling. can't wait to see everybody though...and see what kind of trouble i can get into over the next week.
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