good ideas, bad ideas

good idea: riding our bikes in downtown portland instead of driving: time not spent looking for a parking space: priceless. spent most of my day riding bikes to pawnshops to put the word out. not that it'll do any good. but it's better to do something with no hope than to do nothing at all.
i hope whoever took my shit gets run over by a bus, fo' real.
Over at Target, the Rubus calcyinoiden was covered with orangey gold berries. They taste a bit like a citrus-y raspberry (they are closely related). makes me want to go back and pick some more. i love edible groundcovers. i think they'd make a lovely jelly.
Came home and picked beet tops, nasturtiums, dill and tomatoes, and made a lovely salad. i love summer! i also love the fact that it's not 98 degrees here like it would be back in Jackson county. I miss the mountains though. The mountains here are cool but you can't see them all the time, like the Siskiyous which are everywhere you look...
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