Tour de Fat

Yesterday the Tour de Fat
was in Portland.
Being the bikish sort and loving a good pageant, we went and got ourselves in some trouble. Our vague idea for costumes were the Redneck Gas company (inspired by all the bags of beans I saw in Gatlinburg that said Redneck Jaquzzi on them), and well my normal bike is a costume in and of itself.
The parade was lots of fun...i just wish there could have been less hills. but me and my burning lungs of asthma redemption made it back to the beer tent and i spent the rest of the afternoon watching a bluegrass band called Oakhurst, and the Yard Dogs Roadshow (which fulfills my love of freakshows). That was some good stuff. and it was a nice overview of Portland for the newcomers that we are. i saw a lot of good costumes and sexy bikes, and some plain stupendous amazing contraptions that musta been bikes at some time or another. and burlesque shows are fun too. wish casey coulda been there for that one.
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