Tough Transitions
Transitions are always a tough spot for kids on the Autism spectrum. And let’s face it, no matter how hard we attempt to slow down those busy school days, they are fast paced, and there's lots to get done. There’s simply a lot going on, during a typical day at school, whether you're in kindergarten or the tenth grade. It’s normal for students to protest a fast pace, but I’m sure we all can think of a student in our midst who really struggles with transitions.
Transitions occur several times a day during a typical school day. Anytime you move students from one place to another, or change the activity – like if they've been working on math, but suddenly it's time to go to lunch, that can be startling.
Your students' brain don’t process information in the same way that you do, so when you are moving through the day, and expecting your students to keep up with you, they are experiencing a bombardment of sensory input, and may become disoriented.
What you may not realize is that if the pace is fast for us…it is light speed for a kiddo on the spectrum. And that transitioning from one activity or location to another can be really upsetting for them.
Think of it this way…lets say you are in a foreign country, and don’t understand the customs or language at all. You know your friend you are visiting, but most other people are strangers. Let’s say your friend, either says something super fast in this foreign language, or doesn’t say anything at all, suddenly takes you by the arm, and gently ushers you into the downtown streets and goes about her errands with you in tow – but with no explanation or time for you to “catch up” with what’s happening. You go from place to place, and as time goes on, you probably become more and more resistant and try to get her to slow down…but what if she doesn’t?
A little overwhelming? Welcome to your student's world.
For some students, transitions are bigger than the event itself. Next time you have a student transition from one thing to another, go more slowly and talk to your student about it…be aware that it might be a bigger deal for them than it is to you, and see if you can be present for that with empathy.
(adapted from Is Your Life Too Fast For Your Baby? August 22, 2009 by Dylan Emrys)
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