Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cedar's Five Months Old--Oh my!

Cedar is five months old today.

He seems to be thriving, in spite of the fact that he's been sick and is still recovering from a nasty case of the flu. Now he seems to be back to his normal smiley self, albeit with a bit of a gunky-sounding cough.

He's still growing like a weed. I just retired a bunch of clothes a week ago, and now I'm faced with the task of having to invest in more. Again. I'm constantly seeing much older babies that are the same size that he is. His feet seem huge to me, and he must about around 20 lbs. He outgrew his original carseat, so thankfully I had another one that is getting us by for now. He'll need a bigger car seat way before he's technically old enough. He's almost out of size 3 diapers, and before I know it, he'll probably be wearing real clothes, due to a lack of other options.

He's got the head control down-pat, and has turned over a couple of times in bed. He can't quite sit up on his own, but he keeps trying. If I give him my fingers to hold on to, he can pull himself up (like he's doing a sit-up). He likes sitting, so he keeps trying to do it on his own. I think at daycare, they have him sitting in a Bumbo, so he gets lots of practice with sitting. He's gotten really interested in toys and other objects and is starting to get "grabby", so my hair and glasses are probably going to take a lot of abuse. He's still not terribly accurate, and drops things a lot, but he's getting better.

During the day, he usually takes 3 naps. Since he's been sick, he hasn't been eating as much. His sleeping through the night really hasn't gotten any better since he started daycare--he still wants to get up and eat around 2 or 3 am, so that's just a fact of life around here. He's also so used to getting up at 5:30 to go to daycare, that he automatically does it on weekends too...ugh.

He's a bit wiggly, but he still likes to be held. In fact, a lot of times he'll let you know he wants you to pick him up...he will look at you and kick around a bit and smile and hold his arms up--then he smiles and settles down once you've gotten the message. He really likes to be carried, facing in or out, around to look at different things. He's still a big smiler, but now he also does a lot of chatting and laughing. He's usually in a good mood, most of the time.

He still is a huge fan of sucking on his hand or his fingers, and sometimes will take a pacifier. He still startles when you sneeze, or cough. When he gets tired, he fusses around a bit and still likes me to come pick him up (if he's in an infant seat) so he can "pass out".

He's finally outgrown most of his reflux issues, and doesn't have to propped up as much, although you still don't want to lay him down flat when he's just eaten. But he can lay a bit flatter at night without as many issues, and he's not spitting up as much as he was. He used to always come home from daycare wearing different clothes than he started out in, but now he doesn't always need 2 or 3 clothing changes.

When he's upset about something, he gets this look and does the red-faced howl. Then he stops to see if that got your attention, then if not, does it again. He generally only cries like that when he's really hungry. He merely fusses (uh uh uh uh) when he's wet, and when he's tired.

He loves daddy's silly talk. He thinks that's the best thing ever. In fact, he's really a "daddy's boy" right now.

Boy is he ever the cute one. Now that his cradle-cap issues are fading, he looks a lot better. He still doesn't have much hair, but I've noticed there's definitely more. It's just such a thin pale blond that it's hard to see. I haven't taken any pictures of him in awhile because we've been so busy and he's been sick, but I will make up for it when school's finally out and we're both home a bit more. I'm really looking forward to this summer and being able to spend a lot more time with my smiley-boy.



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