Saturday, March 27, 2010

Three Months old

Cedar is three months old today!

Misc. Development Notes:

He's less interested in laying down, and likes sitting in a bouncy seat. He looks cute lounging there.

He can't hold himself upright by any means, but his head control is getting even better. He's on the verge of figuring out how to turn over from his back to his side.

He's much more awake, and has more active periods. He likes to look around when you hold him, and he'll turn his head to the side to see what's there.

When he's tired he gets a bit fussy. He likes to fall asleep being held so if he wants to take a nap, he'll fuss a bit to get you to pick him up, then pass right out.
What a silly boy! He also snores which is hilarious.

He looks around quite a bit, and likes to watch us doing chores. He's not passing out on walks as much, and stays awake most of the time looking at things.

He hasn't shown much interest in objects, but grabs my hair or shirt on a regular basis. He also really likes to suck on his hand, and has finally isolated his thumb from the rest of it and goes to town on now he usually has a wet drooly handshake.

He still startles when you sneeze, or when he hears a loud noise. He also does the startle reflex when you pick him up (asleep) to move him, but he no longer wakes up.

He's lost all interest in his pacifier, especially now that he's discovered his hand.

He still likes to kick his legs, and does it in time with the music I play for him.
Another thing he likes to do is "wiggle-legs", and he has a whole exercise routine he does when I put him in the bouncy seat.

Most of the time he is still pretty quiet and non-fussy, but he's been cooing for the past couple of weeks and has thrown some giggles in there as well.

Nowadays he usually skips his night feeding and sleeps through the night, a fairly new development that thankfully came just in time for me to go back to work. Hard to say if he'll keep it up (or decide to be a reverse-cycler), but I'm enjoying more sleep these days.

He's getting more tolerant of clothing and diaper changes--he's even getting less cranky about shirts and onesies and things that go over his head, although he still seems to prefer not to put up with that.

His digestive issues started to improve at around 2 months, and now he's way less fussy due to gas. He's still quite gassy though--and puts on a good show for us. It's still hard to burp him--I've discovered the best thing is to do it standing up with a bit of bouncing thrown in there.

He's still a big fan of being held. He still likes laying next to me in bed, sitting in my lap, lay in my arms, and occasionally will do the "snuggle monkey" although not as much as he used to. He prefers to face out most of the time, but still likes to be patted on the back, especially when he's tired. He still likes to be carried around, but unlike when he was younger, he will let you put him down. When he's not being held, he is happiest if he's where he can see you, but he'll go a few minutes with me in some other part of the house as long as I come right back.

He has been smiling for a few weeks now. He recently started giggling as well. On the other hand, if he's upset, he turns bright red and holds his breath before letting out a wail. He generally only cries when he's really hungry. He fusses when he's wet, and when he's tired.

He likes to listen to music and listen to you talk. He especially likes daddy's silly talk.

He still tolerates baths although he's not crazy about them. He still likes riding in the car, and going for walks around the neighborhood. He also seems to enjoy riding in shopping carts, so I can take him to stores that have them and he's usually content enough being pushed around that he'll let me get some shopping done, as long as I don't take too long. He's to the point now where he likes to look around at things when he's on the move.



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